“I think the best is yet to come.”

Lover of web3. Purveyor of NFTs. Ape maxi. That’s tropoFarmer. With over 170,000 followers on Twitter, when tropoFarmer speaks, people listen. With a twist of humor, he yields incredible influence – gained from transparent insights – of an over-complicated market. “I try to be funny and cynical, or funny and critical, or funny and informative. I always want to entertain with a tweet,” says the tweetaholic.

Having been involved in web development since age 15 and graduating college as a software engineer, tropoFarmer’s the perfect middleman between the NFT community and those dictating the market. “I’ve been working on web presence with global businesses and agencies for decades. I then moved into leading projects and actually managing people for a good while.”
He had been collecting sports cards throughout his career, so when the whispers of NBA Top Shots passed his periphery, he became intrigued. Suddenly, the fascinating world of NFTs unraveled before him. “What excited me so much was collecting, I was doing that with sports cards. But then you throw in the big community aspect coming from gaming. I’ve made many friends through that hobby. It just reminded me a lot of the ability to develop strong friendships and community. So, that aspect of NFTs drew me in.”

After learning the ins and outs of blockchain technology, he decided to dabble in the NFT market. His first purchase was ‘Proper Hand Washing Technique’ by the talented SuperRare artist Christopher Rutledge. Then, he discovered the unique connectivity collectors have with artists – something that is hard to replicate in traditional art. “After I collected that, the artist reached out on Twitter, and I got to tell him why I collected it,” tropoFarmer shares. “He told me about his processes and inspiration behind the piece. It was a really cool moment facilitated by this space.” Needless to say, he was hooked.
Everyone reading this book – and this page – wants to know one thing from tropoFarmer: what does the future hold for NFTs? “In my opinion, I think collectible art is just the beginning because it’s the most obvious and probably the easiest to implement. I think the best is yet to come.”