“A global understanding of blockchain technology will change the world. Once you’re inside the ecosystem, it’s easy to see how NFT communities can help you do it.”

A global understanding of blockchain technology will change the world. Once you’re inside the ecosystem, it’s easy to see how NFT communities can help you do it.
The people drawn to web3 are generally early adopters. Those who fell down the rabbit hole first came because they were predisposed to risk or they have a deep curiosity for future technology; more than likely, it’s both. The common thread is that we all have a sense and understanding of the importance of what the NFT space is, could be, and will be. We’re pioneers, shaping an environment suitable for the rest of the world and in line with the future.
Community builder Community building is everything. I learned the critical values of community-building while serving as an officer in the British Army, fighting and building infrastructure in the Middle East. This space is filled with so many intelligent people right now because they understand the underlying premise, the base we build from – decentralization, freedom and responsibility. Those fundamentals, in turn, lure people with the same values and curiosity making it easier to develop close friendships and real connections.
Starting in web3 usually means starting at zero. No artist, creator, builder, collector, or enthusiast can carry over their influence from web2 or other IRL avenues without first connecting, providing value or creating a price history. This is a positive thing – you get to start your ‘life’ again. You can present to the world exactly what you want to be seen. Do what you want to do and be who you want to be. You’ll make friends, connect with people, join communities, and get some skin in the game. It is about being open to opportunities and growing with other people. Community is essential – this journey is to be travelled together.
Changemaker The future of our world depends on this technology and what it can do. Mass change and adoption will most likely come alongside huge, cataclysmic – black swan events in our regular markets. To bring about large scale change, we need people to redefine how they bank, to perceive and understand the importance of financial self-custody. Cryptocurrency is the 21st century version of hiding all your money under your mattress. You can access your money regardless of state, nationality, race, gender, or location. Once the world wakes up to the power that holds – we’ll never go back.