At the intersection of nature, humanity, and technology
“The NFT community is fascinating, no matter the age, geographical difference, or social status, everything is completely dispersed.”
Originating from Denmark, Anders Brasch-Willumsen, also known as Studio Brasch, is one of Scandinavia’s brightest and most innovative creative minds. A jack of all trades, from art direction and photography over sculpture and environment designs, Anders has been on a long-winding road to becoming a 3d artist recognized for his attention to detail, abstract hues, and mesmerizing imagery.
Having expressed and experienced art successfully in many forms, Anders has used his unique blend of artistic skills to become influential in both commercial art and, more recently, in the NFT community. It has allowed him to count some of the world’s largest brands, such as Apple, Burberry, Cartier, and Givenchy, as his clients.
“I knew I was in a rare position because I had this long history in advertising and design, so I was able to apply that to 3d and image-making and offer clients concepts, mood boards, and even strategy on some projects,” he explains. These are the core gears that keep Studio Brasch turning so sweetly.
His background in advertising and design began in Denmark and was cemented in London. After working for various design agencies in his home nation, he became underwhelmed with client work and wanted to take his skillset across the British Channel. “I got a bit tired of the Danish design scene. So, I moved to London with a good friend because we wanted to study again and have 100% freedom to create what we wanted, so I enrolled in a Master’s Degree program in Visual Communication. During this time in London, I became very interested in a ton of different creative practices. Everything from sound to photography over to sculpture and image-making.”
Having found success and creative freedom with Studio Brasch, Anders was a late adopter of the NFT space. However, with his vast experience in design, 3d, digital sculpting, image-making, conceptual thinking, and more, his web3 success seemed written in the stars. “When I discovered NFTs in the summer of 2022, I felt this was a game changer,” he shares. “I was late to the party, but I feel there’s no way back. It’s irreversible now that collectors have this option. It’s never going to go away. The NFT community is fascinating, no matter the age, geographical difference, or social status, everything is completely dispersed.”
Although ‘late to the party,’ it didn’t take Anders long to become established. He was able to adapt his intricate combination of creative practices to the NFT marketplace and hasn’t looked back. Creating still and moving images at the intersection of nature, humanity, and technology, we can’t wait to see more of Studio Brasch’s artwork on the blockchain.