“My transition from crypto enthusiast to NFT and digital art collector wasn’t a change as much as an addition to what I invested in. I saw NFTs as a way to express myself and my love for art.”

Noun 53 is a name well-known in the NFT art scene, but not many people know how his journey to becoming a successful NFT and digital art collector started. With a background in crypto investing, Noun 53 is no stranger to taking risks and riding market trends.
Since 2017, he’s ridden the crypto winter, the highs of the Bitcoin market, and the slump in the NFT winter – and it surely won’t be the last, either. His journey into NFTs and digital art collection began with a fascination for cryptocurrency in 2013 and the foresight to dodge the bear market.
It wasn’t until 2017, when a co-worker moved into the crypto industry, that he finally decided to take the plunge and invest in it. He rode the crypto bull market up and had the foresight to get out right before it rolled over.
“I was prepared never to get back into crypto again because I wasn’t sure crypto would have survived. Sure enough 2020 came along, and Bitcoin and Ethereum were still around. So, I started to get involved again – with a different investment path.”
“All that ETH that I accumulated since 2017 became the seed capital for my NFT collection,” he shared. “My transition from crypto enthusiast to NFT and digital art collector wasn’t a change as much as an addition to what I invested in. I saw NFTs as a way to express myself and my love for art. I’ve been collecting physical art for over a decade. With my background in the crypto markets, NFTs were the perfect type of asset class for me to trade. I got into it and became really passionate about digital art. As they say, the rest is history.”
“One of the greatest aspects of NFTs is that more people have seen my NFT gallery than have ever seen my physical art gallery – there’s something very special about that,” he shares.
That ‘something special’ extends beyond digital screens: Noun 53 got a species of frog in Ecuador named after Nouns DAO, the ‘Hyalinobatrachium Nouns.’ The ‘Nouns Frog’ is a newly discovered species of glass frog!
Noun 53 is a prime example of how taking risks and being open to new opportunities can lead to success.