President, Enterprise, MoonPay
“What web3 really presents is the natural evolution for this next generation.”
Keith Grossman is a visionary. From running ‘TIME’ as its president, rejuvenating ‘Wired’ as its associate publisher, and guiding companies’ entries into web3, Keith’s leadership has successfully shaped the passage of the world’s leading media into the future. Few individuals can dissect the current climate and dictate where the future lies with the ease and execution Keith’s achieved to date. Many try, and plenty fail. Keith is one of those ‘once in a blue moon’ innovators who turns everything he touches into gold. When joining ‘Wired’ in 2009, he rejuvenated the brand from being the 18th smallest business at Conde Nast to the 4th largest when he departed.
“We launched the tablet edition that Steve Jobs held up with the iPad that said this is how a launch should be done,” he remembers. “Our amazing team worked with Adobe to launch their Digital Publishing Suite.” They also crowdsourced a tablet edition of ‘Wired,’ and it led to winning the Isaac Award for digital advertising innovation for an issue labeled ‘The Connected.’
While at ‘Wired’ he also assumed responsibility for ‘Ars Technica’ and took on a stint as an Adjunct Professor at New York University. In 2014, he joined Bloomberg, where he found success once more. “Every year, I think we grew top-line revenue of the media team double digits,” he says.
In 2019, he joined ‘TIME.’ And, two years later he took the brand into the world of web3. However, he shares: “You have to remember that I was the person that essentially wrote the check with Maya Draisin and Howard Mittman to the editors of Wired to mine Bitcoin back in 2014. So, this is not like the first time I entered the crypto space.”
At TIME, he hit the ground running and found more success. After an interview with Julie Laroche and learning about one-of-one NFTs, he set his sights on entering the world of NFTs. “I said, ‘within 30 days, we are going to accept digital currencies for subscriptions.’ And we ended up taking 34 different digital currencies, and we implemented this within 28 days,” he says.
Within each era, a handful of innovations change the narrative of society and set the tone for the next few decades. Keith believes this is the moment for this era. “What web3 really presents is the natural evolution for this next generation, which is the ability for the individual to not only have to be a render, which is the only choice we’ve ever had online, but to be an owner for the first time ever.”
He is currently President of Enterprise at MoonPay. He’s gone full degen. This space is on a trajectory to go to the moon!