“I believe most physical items will eventually leverage the benefits of blockchain technology and smart contracts.”
One of web3’s fascinating elements is its community-powered nature. In this world, artists and collectors support one another and grow together while producing mesmeric art. There are sculptors, photographers, 3D designers, and businesses, to name but a few. Another vital role within the NFT sphere is communication – and that’s where Chris Jourdan enters the equation.
“We’re living in an extraordinary time of disruptive technological advancement and accessibility,” shares Chris (a.k.a. Captain Zwingli). “The ability to interact and learn from founders, leaders, and experts is unprecedented, and it’s hard to envision this not changing as the space grows.”
As fast as the blockchain grows, a pocket still needs to be filled as more and more artists, collectors, enthusiasts, and companies join web3. Chris is at the forefront of creating awareness and fulfilling the next phase of web3: mass adoption.
“We launched ‘The Ape & Pony Show,’ hosted as one of my Bored Apes. Around that same time, I was fortunate to connect with Steve @NFTBark, Joe (@BunchuBets), and Chad (@ChamberRekt), and soon after founded dGEN Network along with Morgan Matoskey and Giorgia Bettio.”
Then, they launched ‘Coffee with Captain’ in December 2021. A community grew around it: from a few dozen daily listeners to a few thousand. “Not a day goes by without connecting with or hearing from an incredibly talented person with expertise.”
The Decentralized Generation Network (dGEN) is a community-driven NFT and cryptocurrency media platform showcasing the many wonders and key debates that come with the world of web3. “On NFTs and the Metaverse, I don’t think we’ll be using either word in the future,” he says. “I believe most physical items will eventually leverage the benefits of blockchain technology and smart contracts; it will just be the thing: the tech will be in the background.”
Unlike a centralized system, the growth and accessibility of NFTs, crypto, and blockchain rely on everyone to do their part and the result? A cohesive digital space where your geographical location means nothing and all financial backgrounds can partake. Oh, and don’t forget the artists who are able to produce unimaginable things.